Open Source
SenseDeep uses and benefits from the contributions of countless individuals to the open source community.
In turn, we give back to the community components that we have developed and found useful in our own products and services.
SenseDeep uses open source projects such as: VueJS, WebPack, Vuetify and many others.
As we develop our services, we actively look at all parts of our solution to extract components that we can isolate and give back to the community.
Why are we doing this? Fair play and justice.
SenseDeep is built on open-source components and we rely on open-source projects to create, develop, debug and deliver our services.
Here is a short list of the components we have open sourced:
- DynamoDB OneTable — DynamoDB access library for single-table designs.
- OneTable CLI
- OneTable Migrate
- OneTable Controller
- SenseLogs — simple, fast, dynamic logger for serverless.
- And More
We will continuing to add to this list.